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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Produce Basket


Whence the gravity of your deep, deep red, o cherry? 
You’re some vestigially corporeal internal organ of an angel, 
lingering since the celestial being could never quite shed 
a taste for sole in sauce and malicious wit. 
These weaknesses lead direct 
     to the fruit’s fine and parabolic taste. 
The lover of cherries is chained to earth’s rack 
knowing no better than to eat and eat 
until the bowl is exhausted -- 
the plate littered with stems and stones. 

The grave sweet pear philosophizes, 
    grows Sitzfleisch
its subtly honeyed heft 
    aspires to heaven still, 
    borne up by old afflatus. 
The pear d’un certain age remembers still – 
each time it hears the wind or sees the sun – 
the nectar and ambrosia of its youth -- 
 white blossoms fluttered perfect, 
    without thought. 

The banana’s not at all 
    like Carmen Miranda, 
stodgy rather with carbohydrate respectability, 
wrapped in the most mild of sugars, 
mysterious seeds all but intangible, 
and a flavor that fits noiseless to the tongue, 
a blanket of taste leaving no room at all, 
a worthy confidante in tiny house, 
full of lace and African violets, 
 hissing radiators, and mail order catalogues. 
And when the parcel arrives in the mail, 
the banana is always satisfied. 

 The apple’s a salesman 
    of industrial screws 
        with a sample case in the trunk, 
        spare suit hanging by the back seat, 
        smelling of cologne and slick hair, 
he dreams of fraternity friends 
and that ingenious Green Delicious 
from the orchard’s edge 
he met one night in Cincinnati 
    and never saw again. 

The grapefruit’s 
a lovely face 
glimpsed from a train window, 
hanging laundry 
    like an angel, 
    linens aloft like wings 
    in a small town back yard long ago. 
Grapefruit taste’s cut loose 
    from the ground and mounting fast to vanish, 
but still the fruit has vegetable leather skin, 
that seems to bear the onus of memory
of faithless friends, unaccountable pain, 
     failed exams, and indigestion, 
till the knife frees them all 
and displays inside 
 a star’s radial symmetry 
bracing to tongue and eye alike, 
consumed in a flash. 


how honest an orange your tone 
you never would deceive 
and your pattern, 
    with tapering elegance 
    though none would take you 
        for a debutante, 
your inner core’s like some great oak’s 
and you have, too, an esoteric side, 
secret given only to strivers with good teeth
 (let me kneel beside Bugs Bunny!) 
though shorn of your fine feathery top 
 and trimmed of that lowest reach of root 
that pursued ever downward into earth 
in search of inspiration 
flayed now of your wholesome skin 
    and eaten without thought 
    I hope to steal your wisdom yet 
o honest orange carrot

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the fruit metaphors. Fruit eating will no longer be a frivolous act but rather one that conjures complex emotions.
