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Planetary Motions
, published by Giant Steps Press, is now available on Amazon for $14.95.

Spoor of Desire: Selected Poems
is available for $16.00 from FootHills Publishing, P.O. Box 68, Kanona NY 14856 or see

Tourist Snapshots was available from Randy Fingland's CC Marimbo, P.O. Box 933, Berkeley CA. CC Marimbo has, unfortunately ceased publishing, though I still have a few copies to spare.

Dada Poetry: An Introduction was published by Nirala Publications. It may be ordered on for $29.99 plus shipping. American buyers may order a copy from me for $23 including shipping.

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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Three Glimpses of New Mexico

Walking in Aguirre Springs -- 
 mesquite and creosote, 
prickly pear and yucca, 
trees like fairy tale dwarfs 
not just small but twisted, 
weird, and unforgiving, 
ascetic zeal sprouting needles 
trying hard to ask the world 
for nothing at all. 
Of a sudden purling water 
makes insistent music 
heading downhill fast. 

Snowed peaks peer down at high desert 
as the very funky Los Americanos bus 
trundles on 
from El Paso toward Albuquerque. 
Unsettled, wrapped about some void, 
I catch a few words as six small screens 
seek to ease our passage 
by playing a Mexican melodrama, 
   but the image will not hold; 
             it flips & flips & flips. 

In San Felipe de Neri
we buy a prayer medal 
 of St. Dymphna 
who prays in a cloud 
surrounded by lunatics. 
She has yet to intercede 
in the case of the swarthy man 
outside in the plaza 
who sits in the dust and tosses 
with nervous excitement 
a belt to the ground 
again and again.

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