The index has grown to the point of becoming unwieldy, leading me to offer first a brief sketch of its contents.
For the most part the site contains literary criticism with topics ranging around the globe and through the centuries. There are also other essays, translations, travel stories, a few memoirs, a few political comments. With rare exceptions (mostly early) I do not post my poetry here.In the literary essays I am willing to discuss virtually anything. This site is strong on literary theory, the idea of the avant-garde, ancient Greek, medieval European, and Asian literatures, and includes a series of treatments of blues songs as poetry.
Some of the essays are technical and include academic jargon, probably indigestible to a lay reader. Others are directed toward a general audience. Perhaps the most accessible are those in the Every Reader’s Poets series (section 5G below) which assume no background knowledge.
The index now features hypertext connections. Simply click on any title below to read it.
Though this listing serves, I think, a clear purpose, not every posting falls easily into the categories. One essay might equally be placed under literary theory or medieval texts while another might fit under memoir, politics, or travel. Translations with comment might be either criticism or translation. Poke around a bit.
The categories are:
1. speculative, familiar, performance pieces, and other essays
2. literary theory
3. Greek texts (and a few Latin)
4. medieval European texts
5. other criticism
A. 16th-19th century
B. 20th century to the present
C. Asian texts
D. songs
E. Notes on Recent Reading
F. Rereading the Classics
G. Every Reader's Poets
6. translation
7. poetry
8. politics
9. memoirs
10. travel
1. Speculative, familiar, performance pieces, and other essays
Agnostic Credo and Vita (October 2015)
American Taste at Midcentury (December 2021)
Axiology and Subjectivity (October 2014)
Annual Report (August 2014)
Beards (December 2013)
Biking (November 2009)
Biking as a Spiritual Discipline (April 2017)
Cell Phones (June 2017)
Axiology and Subjectivity (October 2014)
Annual Report (August 2014)
Beards (December 2013)
Biking (November 2009)
Biking as a Spiritual Discipline (April 2017)
Cell Phones (June 2017)
Confidence Games (August 2022)
Contronyms (March 2019)
Cookbooks (April 2014)
Dead Reckoning (February 2011)
Deer (December 2012)
Documents of the first Surreal Cabaret (March 2012)
Documents of the second Surreal Cabaret (June 2012)
Documents of the third Surreal Cabaret (October 2013)
Documents of the fourth Surreal Cabaret (July 2014)
Documents of the fifth Surreal Cabaret (February 2015)
Contronyms (March 2019)
Cookbooks (April 2014)
Dead Reckoning (February 2011)
Deer (December 2012)
Documents of the first Surreal Cabaret (March 2012)
Documents of the second Surreal Cabaret (June 2012)
Documents of the third Surreal Cabaret (October 2013)
Documents of the fourth Surreal Cabaret (July 2014)
Documents of the fifth Surreal Cabaret (February 2015)
Dreams (January 2021)
Drugs and Religion (June 2016)
Dust: a meditative riff (November 2009)
Euphemism as Metaphor (November 2019)
Drugs and Religion (June 2016)
Dust: a meditative riff (November 2009)
Euphemism as Metaphor (November 2019)
Holy Nudity (July 2021)
Immortality (July 2012)
Iowa Communards (December 2011)
Knowing and Not Knowing (October 2018)
A Library’s Commonplaces and Curiosities (May 2011)
Immortality (July 2012)
Iowa Communards (December 2011)
Knowing and Not Knowing (October 2018)
A Library’s Commonplaces and Curiosities (May 2011)
Playing Cards (November 2022)
Polka (November 2012)
On Pronunciation and Pedantry (September 2015)
In Praise of Bias (November 2014)
Polka (November 2012)
On Pronunciation and Pedantry (September 2015)
In Praise of Bias (November 2014)
The Story of an Ordinary House (August 2024)
A Structural View of Certain Oracles (August 2015)
Suburbs (September 2019)
Supermarkets (October 2010)
A Structural View of Certain Oracles (August 2015)
Suburbs (September 2019)
Supermarkets (October 2010)
The Sweetness of First Fruits (May 2022)
Taking Off (November 2009)
This and That (September 2017)
This and That 2 (September 2018)
An Uninformed Take on Ballet (June 2018)
Walking the Via Negativa (February 2018)
Taking Off (November 2009)
This and That (September 2017)
This and That 2 (September 2018)
An Uninformed Take on Ballet (June 2018)
Walking the Via Negativa (February 2018)
Water (June 2023)
Worn Tools (June 2013)
2. Literary theory
Afloat on the Ocean of Words (April 2016)
Allusion (March 2015)
Worn Tools (June 2013)
2. Literary theory
Afloat on the Ocean of Words (April 2016)
Allusion (March 2015)
Art as Play (March 2024)
Conservatism and Popular Art (December 2019)
Art and the Marketplace (April 2010)
Efflorescences of Female Poets (July 2018)
False and Homophonic Translation (March 2018)
The Familiar Note in Poetry (January 2017)
The Formation of a Christian Rhetoric (April 2011)
Conservatism and Popular Art (December 2019)
Art and the Marketplace (April 2010)
Efflorescences of Female Poets (July 2018)
False and Homophonic Translation (March 2018)
The Familiar Note in Poetry (January 2017)
The Formation of a Christian Rhetoric (April 2011)
Hip Aesthetics (February 2025)
How and Why to Signify (July 2011)
Idea of Comedy (January 2012)
The Inconsequential Bayonets of Art: Militant Rhetoric and the Avant-Garde (May 2010)
On the Intrusion of Non-aesthetic Criteria in Value Judgements about Art (September 2020)
Lament for the Loss of the Avant-Garde (March 2010)
Millenarian Rhetoric and the Avant-Garde (August 2010)
On the Proper Ends of Literary Study [James Seaton] (July 2014)
How and Why to Signify (July 2011)
Idea of Comedy (January 2012)
The Inconsequential Bayonets of Art: Militant Rhetoric and the Avant-Garde (May 2010)
On the Intrusion of Non-aesthetic Criteria in Value Judgements about Art (September 2020)
Lament for the Loss of the Avant-Garde (March 2010)
Millenarian Rhetoric and the Avant-Garde (August 2010)
On the Proper Ends of Literary Study [James Seaton] (July 2014)
The Phantom of Artistic Truth (May 2023)
Placing the Popular in the Structure of Literature (October 2010)
The Pleasures of the Familiar in Literature (June 2016)
Poetry Amid the Fierce Chaos of the World (December 2009)
Poetry and Magic Spells (April 2020)
Prof. Wellek, Prof. Leavis, and Prof. de Man (December 2015)
The Question of Literary Value (August 2014)
A Range of Visual Poetry (December 2017)
Riddles and Poetry (March 2015)
The Signifying Monkey Talks Literature (April 2010)
Sincerity and Other Virtues in Poetry (November 2019)
Some Notes Toward a Theory of the Avant-Garde (October 2013)
Song Lyrics as Poetry (October 2018)
Sontag's "Against Interpretation" (September 2016)
Sweet Treason: Translating Lyric Poetry (November 2009)
Thoughts on Mythology (March 2013)
Placing the Popular in the Structure of Literature (October 2010)
The Pleasures of the Familiar in Literature (June 2016)
Poetry Amid the Fierce Chaos of the World (December 2009)
Poetry and Magic Spells (April 2020)
Prof. Wellek, Prof. Leavis, and Prof. de Man (December 2015)
The Question of Literary Value (August 2014)
A Range of Visual Poetry (December 2017)
Riddles and Poetry (March 2015)
The Signifying Monkey Talks Literature (April 2010)
Sincerity and Other Virtues in Poetry (November 2019)
Some Notes Toward a Theory of the Avant-Garde (October 2013)
Song Lyrics as Poetry (October 2018)
Sontag's "Against Interpretation" (September 2016)
Sweet Treason: Translating Lyric Poetry (November 2009)
Thoughts on Mythology (March 2013)
What Poetry is Not (September 2024)
Winged Words: Notes on the Oral Performance of Poetry (May 2010)
3. Greek texts (and a few Latin)
Aphrodite’s Bed: Love in the Homeric Hymn (August 2010)
The Apotropaic Priapos and Male Sexuality (October 2019)
The Birth of Erato: Lyric, Vision, and the Spread of Writing (January 2010)
Dionysos and the Pirates (February 2012)
Ekphrasis in Apollonius: Jason's Cloak (May 2017)
Winged Words: Notes on the Oral Performance of Poetry (May 2010)
3. Greek texts (and a few Latin)
Aphrodite’s Bed: Love in the Homeric Hymn (August 2010)
The Apotropaic Priapos and Male Sexuality (October 2019)
The Birth of Erato: Lyric, Vision, and the Spread of Writing (January 2010)
Dionysos and the Pirates (February 2012)
Ekphrasis in Apollonius: Jason's Cloak (May 2017)
Goddesses and Witches in the Golden Ass (July 2024)
Gorgias (February 2010)
The Greeks Meet the Yogis (December 2018)
Hermes and the Art of Poetry (March 2013)
Hesiod's Muses: a Study in Polysemy (July 2019)
Korinna and the Choral Lyric (April 2019)
Longinus' Sublime (May 2012)
Gorgias (February 2010)
The Greeks Meet the Yogis (December 2018)
Hermes and the Art of Poetry (March 2013)
Hesiod's Muses: a Study in Polysemy (July 2019)
Korinna and the Choral Lyric (April 2019)
Longinus' Sublime (May 2012)
Notes on Pan (June 2014)
Oedipus and the Meaning of Polysemy (July 2011)
Oedipus and the Meaning of Polysemy (July 2011)
Parmenides and the Perennial Philosophy (November 2020)
Pindar's Athlete in Pythian 8 (January 2018)
Poetry's Long Memory [Horace] (July 2016)
Praxilla (June 2020)
Professors Kick the Willy Bobo [on Athenaeus] (December 2009)
The Role of Rhetoric in Theocritus (February 2011)
The Role of Wine in Nonnus' Dionysiaca (February 2016)
Sappho’s Holy Tortoise Shell: Eros and Poetry in Ancient Greece (December 2009)
Pindar's Athlete in Pythian 8 (January 2018)
Poetry's Long Memory [Horace] (July 2016)
Praxilla (June 2020)
Professors Kick the Willy Bobo [on Athenaeus] (December 2009)
The Role of Rhetoric in Theocritus (February 2011)
The Role of Wine in Nonnus' Dionysiaca (February 2016)
Sappho’s Holy Tortoise Shell: Eros and Poetry in Ancient Greece (December 2009)
Scholarship as Recreation in Aulus Gellius (February 2022)
Seneca the Elder (March 2010)
A Skeptic's Faith [Sextus Empiricus] (January 2015)
Seneca the Elder (March 2010)
A Skeptic's Faith [Sextus Empiricus] (January 2015)
A Take on Plato's Parmenides (April 2021)
A Structural View of the Ephesiaca (April 2018)
Two Brief Notes on Daphnis and Chloe (May 2018)
Two Passages from Marcus Aurelius (June 2011)
The Web of Myth in the Hymn to Heracles (June 2012)
4. Medieval European texts
The Aesthete of Desire: Lancelot and Courtly Love (July 2012)
The Aesthetics of Ambiguity in a Medieval Lyric (December 2012)
Aesthetic Principles of the Middle English Romance (July 2010)
Appropriation of Biblical Narrative in Patience (February 2013)
Bernart and the Music of Ideas (September 2016)
A Structural View of the Ephesiaca (April 2018)
Two Brief Notes on Daphnis and Chloe (May 2018)
Two Passages from Marcus Aurelius (June 2011)
The Web of Myth in the Hymn to Heracles (June 2012)
4. Medieval European texts
The Aesthete of Desire: Lancelot and Courtly Love (July 2012)
The Aesthetics of Ambiguity in a Medieval Lyric (December 2012)
Aesthetic Principles of the Middle English Romance (July 2010)
Appropriation of Biblical Narrative in Patience (February 2013)
Bernart and the Music of Ideas (September 2016)
Boccaccio on Poetry (February 2025)
The Buddha in Europe: the Apologue of the Man and the Unicorn in Barlaam and Ioasaph (January 2011)
The Buddha in Europe: the Apologue of the Man and the Unicorn in Barlaam and Ioasaph (January 2011)
The Charm of the Undetermined in "Maiden in the Moor Lay" (June 2022)
Chaucer’s Version of the Golden Age (June 2011)
Chaucer’s Version of the Golden Age (June 2011)
Construction of Values in the Nibelungenlied (February 2024)
A Conventional Ending in a Middle English Romance (September 2011)
Courtly Love in Romance of the Rose (August 2012)
Distant Rhyme in Two Medieval English Lyrics (August 2011)
The Early English Carol (June 2010)
A Conventional Ending in a Middle English Romance (September 2011)
Courtly Love in Romance of the Rose (August 2012)
Distant Rhyme in Two Medieval English Lyrics (August 2011)
The Early English Carol (June 2010)
Figures of Love in Lydgate's Temple of Glas (January 2014)
Formal Play in a Canso by Cercamon (June 2019)
Functions of Alliteration in Thirteenth Century Lyrics (February 2011)
Gamelyn: An Outlaw's Ethics (April 2019)
Geoffrey of Vinsauf (April 2010)
Hypermetric Lines in Beowulf (January 2011)
Icelandic Antinomies in the Grettis saga (January 2019)
An Introduction to the Troubadours (January 2010)
Formal Play in a Canso by Cercamon (June 2019)
Functions of Alliteration in Thirteenth Century Lyrics (February 2011)
Gamelyn: An Outlaw's Ethics (April 2019)
Geoffrey of Vinsauf (April 2010)
Hypermetric Lines in Beowulf (January 2011)
Icelandic Antinomies in the Grettis saga (January 2019)
An Introduction to the Troubadours (January 2010)
A New Look at Jaufré: Amor de Lonh as Criticism (December 2010)
Odin and Poetry (December 2015)
Openings in the Middle English Romance (July 2010)
The Pearl-Poet’s Use of Link-Rhymes (November 2011)
Phonetics and Semantics in the Last Line of Beowulf (March 2011)
Piers Plowman and the Man in the Moon (October 2011)
The Prima Etade of Literary Ambition [Petrarch] (March 2011)
Sir Isumbras and the Functions of the Fabulous (October 2019)
Tone in Middle English Double Entendre Songs (March 2020)
Transformation of Convention in Early Minnesang (April 2011)
The Transvestite Knight: Ulrich’s Frauendienst in Performance (May 2020)
Tristan's World (August 2020)
Two Early Ballad Tales of Robin Hood (October 2014)
Odin and Poetry (December 2015)
Openings in the Middle English Romance (July 2010)
The Pearl-Poet’s Use of Link-Rhymes (November 2011)
Phonetics and Semantics in the Last Line of Beowulf (March 2011)
Piers Plowman and the Man in the Moon (October 2011)
The Prima Etade of Literary Ambition [Petrarch] (March 2011)
Sir Isumbras and the Functions of the Fabulous (October 2019)
Tone in Middle English Double Entendre Songs (March 2020)
Transformation of Convention in Early Minnesang (April 2011)
The Transvestite Knight: Ulrich’s Frauendienst in Performance (May 2020)
Tristan's World (August 2020)
Two Early Ballad Tales of Robin Hood (October 2014)
Uses for a Dead Child in Chaucer, Livy, and Ancient Israel (November 2023)
The Uses of the Monstrous: Chaucer's "Anelida and Arcite" (October 2018)
William IX (September 2010)
Who is Piers Ploughman? (June 2013)
5. Other criticism
A. 16th-19th century
The Uses of the Monstrous: Chaucer's "Anelida and Arcite" (October 2018)
William IX (September 2010)
Who is Piers Ploughman? (June 2013)
5. Other criticism
A. 16th-19th century
On Alexander Pope's "Art of Sinking" (July 2021)
Ambivalence in Thomson's The Castle of Indolence (March 2012)
Ambivalence in Thomson's The Castle of Indolence (March 2012)
The Appeal of Stevenson's Master of Ballantrae (April 2024)
The Archaeology of Gray's "The Progress of Poetry" (November 2017)
The Archaeology of Gray's "The Progress of Poetry" (November 2017)
Ascetic Voluptuaries in Anatole France's Thais (December 2023)
Baudelaire's "Painter of Modern Life" (July 2017)
Big Bill Otter's Sprees and Frolics (November 2013)
The Bloody Venus of Marlowe's "Hero and Leander" (November 2018)
Coleridge's Dialectic of Art (May 2019)
Baudelaire's "Painter of Modern Life" (July 2017)
Big Bill Otter's Sprees and Frolics (November 2013)
The Bloody Venus of Marlowe's "Hero and Leander" (November 2018)
Coleridge's Dialectic of Art (May 2019)
The "Divine Chit-Chat" of Cowper's The Task (September 2024)
Does Crabbe Look Forward or Back? (February 2016)
Dolce's Aretino (September 2015)
The Double Plot of Salem Chapel (December 2016)
Does Crabbe Look Forward or Back? (February 2016)
Dolce's Aretino (September 2015)
The Double Plot of Salem Chapel (December 2016)
Frances Trollope: The Triumph of Snobbery (January 2021)
Gascoigne's "Notes of Instruction" (September 2013)
Godwin's Theatre of Calamity (September 2015)
Gascoigne's "Notes of Instruction" (September 2013)
Godwin's Theatre of Calamity (September 2015)
The Hazardous Lives of the Sonneteers (August 2021)
Hazlitt on the Nature of Poetry (March 2019)
Herrick the Divine (August 2014)
Hazlitt on the Nature of Poetry (March 2019)
Herrick the Divine (August 2014)
How Ironic is Mackenzie's The Man of Feeling? (April 2020)
Irving's Soft Romanticism (September 2017)
Irving's Soft Romanticism (September 2017)
Is Martin Chuzzlewit a “Great Bad Book”? (June 2024)
Keats' "Thing of Beauty" (November 2016)
Kleist's Zoroaster (June 2020)
Keats' "Thing of Beauty" (November 2016)
Kleist's Zoroaster (June 2020)
The Limits of Howells' Realism in Theory and Practice [A Modern Instance] (June 2023)
A Lost World of Allusion [Nicholas Breton] (May 2018)
Marius the Epicurean as a Modern (April 2015)
A Lost World of Allusion [Nicholas Breton] (May 2018)
Marius the Epicurean as a Modern (April 2015)
Merie Tales of Skelton (July 2024)
Moby Dick and the Density of the Aesthetic Text (January 2016)
"Monk" Lewis, Mr. Coleridge, and Popular Taste (July 2015)
Moby Dick and the Density of the Aesthetic Text (January 2016)
"Monk" Lewis, Mr. Coleridge, and Popular Taste (July 2015)
Paradise Lost as Popular Culture (August 2023)
Pater's Renaissance (June 2019)
Pierce Penniless (May 2013)
The Play of Convention in Shakespeare's Sonnet 153 (April 2017)
Poe's Plate Articles (February 2020)
Pater's Renaissance (June 2019)
Pierce Penniless (May 2013)
The Play of Convention in Shakespeare's Sonnet 153 (April 2017)
Poe's Plate Articles (February 2020)
The Pose of Naturalism in Zola's Germinal (March 2023)
The Primacy of Poetry in Sidney's Defence (February 2020)
The Problem with Swinburne (June 2015)
The Primacy of Poetry in Sidney's Defence (February 2020)
The Problem with Swinburne (June 2015)
Scandals of the Romantic Poets (January 2022)
A Second Look into Northanger Abbey (February 2019)
Shelley”s “Ode to the West Wind” as Structuralist Charm (May 2011)
Sir Thomas North's The Moral Philosophy of Doni (September 2013)
The Skeptico-Semiotico-Mystic: Carlyle's Sartor Resartus (June 2015)
Skepticism and Poetry in Keats' "The Eve of St. Agnes" (February 2015)
A Structural View of Meredith's The Ordeal of Richard Feverel (June 2017)
A Second Look into Northanger Abbey (February 2019)
Shelley”s “Ode to the West Wind” as Structuralist Charm (May 2011)
Sir Thomas North's The Moral Philosophy of Doni (September 2013)
The Skeptico-Semiotico-Mystic: Carlyle's Sartor Resartus (June 2015)
Skepticism and Poetry in Keats' "The Eve of St. Agnes" (February 2015)
A Structural View of Meredith's The Ordeal of Richard Feverel (June 2017)
Subjectivity in Edward Young (May 2021)
The Texture of Traherne’s Religious Thought (October 2010)
Thematic Continuity and Development in the Poetry of Christopher Smart: the Jubilate Agno and the Minor Poems (November 2010)
The Texture of Traherne’s Religious Thought (October 2010)
Thematic Continuity and Development in the Poetry of Christopher Smart: the Jubilate Agno and the Minor Poems (November 2010)
Thomas Browne's Religion of Sensibility (January 2022)
Thomas Love Peacock and the End of Poetry (August 2017)
Thomas Love Peacock and the End of Poetry (August 2017)
Travelers [Marco Polo, Twain, Robert Byron](April 2012)
Trollope's Appeal (December 2012)
Trouble in Elysium: Carew's "A Rapture" (August 2019)
Two Notes on Hawthorne's Blithedale Romance (July 2014)
The Use of Nostalgia in Eliot's Scenes of Clerical Life (August 2015)
Trollope's Appeal (December 2012)
Trouble in Elysium: Carew's "A Rapture" (August 2019)
Two Notes on Hawthorne's Blithedale Romance (July 2014)
The Use of Nostalgia in Eliot's Scenes of Clerical Life (August 2015)
Zola's Nana and the Conundrum of Sex Work (December 2022)
B. 20th century to the present
Another Look at The Seven Lively Arts (June 2013)
B. 20th century to the present
Another Look at The Seven Lively Arts (June 2013)
The Anti-Aesthetic Aesthetic of Farrell's Stud Lonigan (May 2023)
Apologia for a Fondness for Pound (November 2012)
Apologia for a Fondness for Pound (November 2012)
The Appeal of the New York Times' "Metropolitan Diary" (June 2022)
Archives of the First Majority Gallery (December 2018)
Are Uncle Tom's Children Bound by History? (April 2014)
Art and Life in the Haight Ashbury (January 2020)
The Artist as Demiurge: Seligmann on Space (December 2017)
Archives of the First Majority Gallery (December 2018)
Are Uncle Tom's Children Bound by History? (April 2014)
Art and Life in the Haight Ashbury (January 2020)
The Artist as Demiurge: Seligmann on Space (December 2017)
Breton’s Surrealism (June 2024)
A Brief History of Negritude (February 2017)
Burns' and Lovick's Vietnam (November 2017)
Celebrities of Performance Poetry (July 2018)
Comics (February 2010)
Comic Strips and the Absurd (March 2020)
A Brief History of Negritude (February 2017)
Burns' and Lovick's Vietnam (November 2017)
Celebrities of Performance Poetry (July 2018)
Comics (February 2010)
Comic Strips and the Absurd (March 2020)
Crepuscular Dreaming: Kirpal Gordon's New York at Twilight (July 2024)
The Critical Palimpsest: Black African Literature through White American Eyes (January 2010)
Dada in America (April 2012)
Eisenstein's Strike and the Problem of Realism (April 2013)
Epiphanies in Dubliners (May 2016)
An Explication of Stevens' "A Primitive like an Orb" (October 2017)
False Translations (August 2016)
The Critical Palimpsest: Black African Literature through White American Eyes (January 2010)
Dada in America (April 2012)
Eisenstein's Strike and the Problem of Realism (April 2013)
Epiphanies in Dubliners (May 2016)
An Explication of Stevens' "A Primitive like an Orb" (October 2017)
False Translations (August 2016)
The Fetish of the Primitive in Twentieth Century Art (April 2015)
A Few Films (November 2016)
A Few Proletarian Writers (March 2012)
Flash Reviews of Thirty African Novels (November 2011)
Flyin’ with the Muses: Kirpal Gordon’s Eros in Sanskrit (May 2011)
Hell's House (November 2013)
A Few Films (November 2016)
A Few Proletarian Writers (March 2012)
Flash Reviews of Thirty African Novels (November 2011)
Flyin’ with the Muses: Kirpal Gordon’s Eros in Sanskrit (May 2011)
Hell's House (November 2013)
John Brown Speaks to Us [W. E. B. Du Bois] (November 2020)
Kerouac’s Weakness and Strength (January 2011)
Kurt Seligmann's Moderate Surrealism (November 2016)
Kurt Seligmann and the Poets (October 2017)
Kurt Seligmann's Riddlesome Symbols (March 2017)
The Last Poets (March 2016)
The Legacy of the Beats (March 2014)
Lola Ridge as Agitprop Modernist (September 2019)
The Lyricism of the Ugly: Celine's Mort à Crédit (December 2014)
Kerouac’s Weakness and Strength (January 2011)
Kurt Seligmann's Moderate Surrealism (November 2016)
Kurt Seligmann and the Poets (October 2017)
Kurt Seligmann's Riddlesome Symbols (March 2017)
The Last Poets (March 2016)
The Legacy of the Beats (March 2014)
Lola Ridge as Agitprop Modernist (September 2019)
The Lyricism of the Ugly: Celine's Mort à Crédit (December 2014)
Maeterlinck's Bees (January 2025)
The Man with the Golden Arm and a Friend with Six Seeds (January 2014)
On Marinetti's Avant-Garde Fascism (September 2017)
The Man with the Golden Arm and a Friend with Six Seeds (January 2014)
On Marinetti's Avant-Garde Fascism (September 2017)
A Month of Films (December 2024)
Norris's Visionary (March 2018)
Not Quite a Jackpot: Erskine Caldwell's Short Stories (September 2020)
Norris's Visionary (March 2018)
Not Quite a Jackpot: Erskine Caldwell's Short Stories (September 2020)
Notes on Buddhism and Poetry (September 2021)
O. Henry's Novel Novel (December 2019)
Onitsha Market Literature (February 2015)
Pig and Possum Teach Poetry (May 2014)
A Play and an Exhibit in the City (May 2019)
A Poem by Theodore Roethke (September 2011)
Poetry 1968 (December 2018)
The Power of Picasso's Sculpture (November 2015)
O. Henry's Novel Novel (December 2019)
Onitsha Market Literature (February 2015)
Pig and Possum Teach Poetry (May 2014)
A Play and an Exhibit in the City (May 2019)
A Poem by Theodore Roethke (September 2011)
Poetry 1968 (December 2018)
The Power of Picasso's Sculpture (November 2015)
Reading John Ashbery [On "For John Clare"] (August 2021)
Remarks on the Grassroots Poetry Scene (July 2017)
Remarks on the Grassroots Poetry Scene (July 2017)
Rilke's Dubious Advice to a Young Poet (May 2023)
Saki's Novels (April 2015)
Sartre's "Black Orpheus (February 2017)
Saki's Novels (April 2015)
Sartre's "Black Orpheus (February 2017)
Situationism Remembered (March 2021)
Some Poetry Reviews (December 2012)
Sound Poetry and Edith Sitwell's Facade (July 2013)
Some Poetry Reviews (December 2012)
Sound Poetry and Edith Sitwell's Facade (July 2013)
Steven Hirsch's Demon Commuter (September 2023)
Tarkington's Vulgarian Hero [The Plutocrat] (November 2019)
Tristan Tzara, Poet of Manifestos (February 2018)
Two Graffiti (May 2011)
Tarkington's Vulgarian Hero [The Plutocrat] (November 2019)
Tristan Tzara, Poet of Manifestos (February 2018)
Two Graffiti (May 2011)
Book as Object: A Copy of the Taishang Ganying Pian (January 2023)
The Floating World of Ihara Saikaku (May 2020)
Friendship and Romance in Ming Stories (February 2014)
Han Shan (December 2010)
The Floating World of Ihara Saikaku (May 2020)
Friendship and Romance in Ming Stories (February 2014)
Han Shan (December 2010)
Imru’ al-Qais: A Pre-Islamic Arabic Poet (October 2024)
The Heart of Hinduism (September 2018)
Journey to the North (December 2013)
Liezi (October 2012)
Lu Xun (October 2010)
Monkey Rides Again (January 2013)
Notes on Liu Xie (August 2011)
Shakuntala (August 2018)
Tang Stories (April 2016)
Theme and Tone In Kokoro (September 2016)
A Tibetan Novel (March 2017)
The Trials of Lady Ochikubo (April 2014)
The View from a Ten-Foot-Square Hut [Chomei] (February 2018)
The Heart of Hinduism (September 2018)
Journey to the North (December 2013)
Liezi (October 2012)
Lu Xun (October 2010)
Monkey Rides Again (January 2013)
Notes on Liu Xie (August 2011)
Shakuntala (August 2018)
Tang Stories (April 2016)
Theme and Tone In Kokoro (September 2016)
A Tibetan Novel (March 2017)
The Trials of Lady Ochikubo (April 2014)
The View from a Ten-Foot-Square Hut [Chomei] (February 2018)
Wang Wei (October 2021)
D. songs
D. songs
The Appeal of Indeterminacy in the Corpus Christi Carol (December 2020)
Blind Lemon Jefferson's Anatomy of Melancholy (March 2020)
Blind Willie Johnson Preaches (May 2017)
Bukka White's Limpid Lyric Clarity (November 2017)
The Cutty Wren (August 2018)
Blind Lemon Jefferson's Anatomy of Melancholy (March 2020)
Blind Willie Johnson Preaches (May 2017)
Bukka White's Limpid Lyric Clarity (November 2017)
The Cutty Wren (August 2018)
Derangements of Love in Two Early French Folk Songs (April 2023)
"Down the Dirt Road Blues" [Charley Patton] (October 2011)
The Elasticity of Myth in "La Llorona" (December 2019)
Fishing Blues [Henry Thomas] (October 2015)
Foggy Dew as Symbol (July 2012)
Harry McClintock and the Hobo Ethos (February 2019)
The Heart of the Blues [Robert Johnson] (January 2018)
The Imagery of Hokum Blues Songs (July 2015)
"Down the Dirt Road Blues" [Charley Patton] (October 2011)
The Elasticity of Myth in "La Llorona" (December 2019)
Fishing Blues [Henry Thomas] (October 2015)
Foggy Dew as Symbol (July 2012)
Harry McClintock and the Hobo Ethos (February 2019)
The Heart of the Blues [Robert Johnson] (January 2018)
The Imagery of Hokum Blues Songs (July 2015)
Jelly Roll Morton's "The Murder Ballad" (July 2021)
"Lady Maisry" (November 2013)
"Moon Goin' Down" [Charley Patton] (May 2013)
The Mule in Blues Imagery (August 2017)
"Nottamun Town" (April 2018)
The Paraklausithyron Blues (May 2016)
The Poetry of the Blues (August 2019)
"Preachin' the Blues" [Son House] (November 2018)
"Lady Maisry" (November 2013)
"Moon Goin' Down" [Charley Patton] (May 2013)
The Mule in Blues Imagery (August 2017)
"Nottamun Town" (April 2018)
The Paraklausithyron Blues (May 2016)
The Poetry of the Blues (August 2019)
"Preachin' the Blues" [Son House] (November 2018)
Red Hot Love in Robert Johnson (October 2022)
"The Red Rooster" [Willie Dixon] (March 2014)
Robert Johnson and the Devil (September 2012)
Skip James' Blues Imagery (May 2015)
"The Red Rooster" [Willie Dixon] (March 2014)
Robert Johnson and the Devil (September 2012)
Skip James' Blues Imagery (May 2015)
Smokestack Lightning [Howlin' Wolf] (March 2022)
“Spoonful” and the Accretion of Meaning (December 2012)
“Spoonful” and the Accretion of Meaning (December 2012)
The Subversive Wit of Jerry Leiber (December 2022)
"The Three Ravens" (August 2013)
Trinidadian Smut (April 2016)
Truckin' (November 2014)
The Verbal Dance of the Blues (September 2020)
“Walkin’ Blues” [Son House] (December 2011)
E. Notes on Recent Reading
Notes on Recent Reading [Melville, Greene, and Whalen] (September 2011)
Notes on Recent Reading 2 [Crane, The Crowning of Louis, Thornlyre] (October 2011)
Notes on Recent Reading 3 [Kipling, San Francisco Mime Troupe, Lynn’s Tao-te-ching] (November 2011)
Notes on Recent Reading 4 [Sarah Scott, de La Fayette, Wharton] (January 2012)
Notes on Recent Reading 5 [The Deeds of God in Rddhipur, Burney, Cooper] (January 2012)
Notes on Recent Reading 6 [Jewett, Addison, Crabbe] (February 2012)
Notes on Recent Reading 7 [Nabokov, Austen, Grettis Saga] (April 2012)
Notes on Recent Reading 8 [Bakhtin, Lewis, Brown] (May 2012)
Notes on Recent Reading 9 [Plutarch, Tacitus, Williams](June 2012)
Notes on Recent Reading 10 [Voltaire, France, Dryden](July 2012)
Notes on Recent Reading 11 [Wright, Kerouac & Burroughs, Gilbert] (August 2012)
Notes on Recent Reading 12 [Huxley, Norris, Dōgen](September 2012)
Notes on Recent Reading 13 [Mirabai, Wood, Trocchi] (November 2012)
Notes on Recent Reading 14 [Algren, Hauptmann, Rolle] (January 2013)
Notes on Recent Reading 15 [Hemingway, Orwell, Gaskell]{February 2013}
Notes on Recent Reading 16 [Howells, Ford, Mann] (April 2013)
Notes on Recent Reading 17 [McCarthy, Chang, Snorri](July 2013)
Notes on Recent Reading 18 [Radcliffe, Stendhal, Erasmus](October 2013)
Notes on Recent Reading 19 [Powers, Zhang Ji, Vietnamese folk song] (February 2014)
Notes on Recent Reading 20 [Rowe, Stevenson, Issa] (May 2014)
Notes on Recent Reading 21 [Fussell, Mahfouz, Watts] (August 2014)
Notes on Recent Reading 22 [Waugh, Belloc, Okakura] (October 2014)
Notes on Recent Reading 23 [Naipaul, Dinesen, Spillane] (January 2015)
Notes on Recent Reading 24 [Fielding; Izumo , Shōraku, and Senryū; Plath] (June 2015)
Notes on Recent Reading 25 [Baskervill, Gissing, Capote] (July 2015)
Notes on Recent Reading 26 [Tuchman, Premchand, Cocteau] (November 2015)
Notes on Recent Reading 27 [Forster, Sackville-West, Capote] (January 2016)
Notes on Recent Reading 28 [Verne, Waley, Hurston] (March 2016)
Notes on Recent Reading 29 [Achebe, Jewett, Villiers de l'Isle-Adam] (October 2016)
Notes on Recent Reading 30 [Bradford, Scott, Marquand] (April 2017)
Notes on Recent Reading 31 [Marlowe, Trollope, p'Bitek] (August 2017)
Notes on Recent Reading 32 [Morrison, Cary, Kawabata] (October 2017)
Notes on Recent Reading 33 [Tourneur, Peacock, Greene] (December 2017)
Notes on Recent Reading 34 [Hawthorne, Huncke, Bentley] (January 2018)
Notes on Recent Reading 35 [Scott, Norris, Jacobs] (August 2018)
Notes on Recent Reading 36 [Norris, Rexroth and Laughlin, Sand] (November 2018)
Notes on Recent Reading 37 [Waley, Wharton, London] (January 2019)
Notes on Recent Reading 38 [London, Vonnegut, Cather] (June 2019)
Notes on Recent Reading 39 [Aristophanes, Machiavelli, Braddon] (September 2019)
Notes on Recent Reading 40 [Saunders, Adichie, Radhakrishnan] (January 2020)
Notes on Recent Reading 41 [McCarthy, Priestley, Ehirim] (July 2020)
Notes on Recent Reading 42 [Bulgakov, Tedlock, Wlliams] (October 2020)
"The Three Ravens" (August 2013)
Trinidadian Smut (April 2016)
Truckin' (November 2014)
The Verbal Dance of the Blues (September 2020)
“Walkin’ Blues” [Son House] (December 2011)
E. Notes on Recent Reading
Notes on Recent Reading [Melville, Greene, and Whalen] (September 2011)
Notes on Recent Reading 2 [Crane, The Crowning of Louis, Thornlyre] (October 2011)
Notes on Recent Reading 3 [Kipling, San Francisco Mime Troupe, Lynn’s Tao-te-ching] (November 2011)
Notes on Recent Reading 4 [Sarah Scott, de La Fayette, Wharton] (January 2012)
Notes on Recent Reading 5 [The Deeds of God in Rddhipur, Burney, Cooper] (January 2012)
Notes on Recent Reading 6 [Jewett, Addison, Crabbe] (February 2012)
Notes on Recent Reading 7 [Nabokov, Austen, Grettis Saga] (April 2012)
Notes on Recent Reading 8 [Bakhtin, Lewis, Brown] (May 2012)
Notes on Recent Reading 9 [Plutarch, Tacitus, Williams](June 2012)
Notes on Recent Reading 10 [Voltaire, France, Dryden](July 2012)
Notes on Recent Reading 11 [Wright, Kerouac & Burroughs, Gilbert] (August 2012)
Notes on Recent Reading 12 [Huxley, Norris, Dōgen](September 2012)
Notes on Recent Reading 13 [Mirabai, Wood, Trocchi] (November 2012)
Notes on Recent Reading 14 [Algren, Hauptmann, Rolle] (January 2013)
Notes on Recent Reading 15 [Hemingway, Orwell, Gaskell]{February 2013}
Notes on Recent Reading 16 [Howells, Ford, Mann] (April 2013)
Notes on Recent Reading 17 [McCarthy, Chang, Snorri](July 2013)
Notes on Recent Reading 18 [Radcliffe, Stendhal, Erasmus](October 2013)
Notes on Recent Reading 19 [Powers, Zhang Ji, Vietnamese folk song] (February 2014)
Notes on Recent Reading 20 [Rowe, Stevenson, Issa] (May 2014)
Notes on Recent Reading 21 [Fussell, Mahfouz, Watts] (August 2014)
Notes on Recent Reading 22 [Waugh, Belloc, Okakura] (October 2014)
Notes on Recent Reading 23 [Naipaul, Dinesen, Spillane] (January 2015)
Notes on Recent Reading 24 [Fielding; Izumo , Shōraku, and Senryū; Plath] (June 2015)
Notes on Recent Reading 25 [Baskervill, Gissing, Capote] (July 2015)
Notes on Recent Reading 26 [Tuchman, Premchand, Cocteau] (November 2015)
Notes on Recent Reading 27 [Forster, Sackville-West, Capote] (January 2016)
Notes on Recent Reading 28 [Verne, Waley, Hurston] (March 2016)
Notes on Recent Reading 29 [Achebe, Jewett, Villiers de l'Isle-Adam] (October 2016)
Notes on Recent Reading 30 [Bradford, Scott, Marquand] (April 2017)
Notes on Recent Reading 31 [Marlowe, Trollope, p'Bitek] (August 2017)
Notes on Recent Reading 32 [Morrison, Cary, Kawabata] (October 2017)
Notes on Recent Reading 33 [Tourneur, Peacock, Greene] (December 2017)
Notes on Recent Reading 34 [Hawthorne, Huncke, Bentley] (January 2018)
Notes on Recent Reading 35 [Scott, Norris, Jacobs] (August 2018)
Notes on Recent Reading 36 [Norris, Rexroth and Laughlin, Sand] (November 2018)
Notes on Recent Reading 37 [Waley, Wharton, London] (January 2019)
Notes on Recent Reading 38 [London, Vonnegut, Cather] (June 2019)
Notes on Recent Reading 39 [Aristophanes, Machiavelli, Braddon] (September 2019)
Notes on Recent Reading 40 [Saunders, Adichie, Radhakrishnan] (January 2020)
Notes on Recent Reading 41 [McCarthy, Priestley, Ehirim] (July 2020)
Notes on Recent Reading 42 [Bulgakov, Tedlock, Wlliams] (October 2020)
Notes on Recent Reading 59 [Balzac, Hauptmann, Updike] (March 2025)
F. Rereading the Classics
Rereading the Classics [Burton] (November 2011)
Rereading the Classics [Burton] (November 2011)
Rereading the Classics [Firbank] (February 2025)
Rereading the Classics [Gogol] (August 2012)
Rereading the Classics [Goldsmith] (December 2016)
Rereading the Classics [Kleist] (February 2012)
Rereading the Classics [Montaigne] (December 2013)
Rereading the Classics [Rabelais] (December 2011)
Rereading the Classics [Rochester] (February 2019)
G. Every Reader's Poets
Every Reader's Blake (May 2017)
Rereading the Classics [Gogol] (August 2012)
Rereading the Classics [Goldsmith] (December 2016)
Rereading the Classics [Kleist] (February 2012)
Rereading the Classics [Montaigne] (December 2013)
Rereading the Classics [Rabelais] (December 2011)
Rereading the Classics [Rochester] (February 2019)
G. Every Reader's Poets
Every Reader's Blake (May 2017)
Every Reader's Dryden (February 2023)
Every Reader's Herbert (August 2019)
Every Reader's Herrick (December 2015)
Every Reader's Hopkins (May 2016)
Every Reader's Keats (August 2020)
Every Reader's Milton (January 2017)
Every Reader's Pope (May 2015)
Every Reader's Shelley (November 2014)
Every Reader's Sidney (January 2020)
Every Reader's Skelton (March 2016)
Every Reader's Herbert (August 2019)
Every Reader's Herrick (December 2015)
Every Reader's Hopkins (May 2016)
Every Reader's Keats (August 2020)
Every Reader's Milton (January 2017)
Every Reader's Pope (May 2015)
Every Reader's Shelley (November 2014)
Every Reader's Sidney (January 2020)
Every Reader's Skelton (March 2016)
Every Reader's Wordsworth (October 2021)
Every Reader's Wyatt (December 2014)
Every Reader's Yeats (January 2015)
Why Read Poetry? (May 2018)
6. Translation
Alkaios' Happy Hour (January 2017)
Becher's "Someone Stands Up" (October 2012)
The Belated Eroticim of Agathias Scholasticus (October 2020)
Every Reader's Wyatt (December 2014)
Every Reader's Yeats (January 2015)
Why Read Poetry? (May 2018)
6. Translation
Alkaios' Happy Hour (January 2017)
Becher's "Someone Stands Up" (October 2012)
The Belated Eroticim of Agathias Scholasticus (October 2020)
Death's Beauty in Tyrtaios (December 2023)
Der von Kürenberg (May 2020)
Emmy Hennings (February 2010)
Emmy Hennings Poems (More from Die Letzte Freude) (November 2010)
Erotic Old English Riddles (March 2018)
Der von Kürenberg (May 2020)
Emmy Hennings (February 2010)
Emmy Hennings Poems (More from Die Letzte Freude) (November 2010)
Erotic Old English Riddles (March 2018)
A Few Stabs at Li Bai (November 2021)
Four Poems from the German of Richard Huelsenbeck (January 2010)
Four Poems from the German of Richard Huelsenbeck (January 2010)
Four Political Poems by Heinrich Heine (Februry 2022)
Four Quatrains by Wang Wei (January 2013)
Hans Arp (April 2010)
Four Quatrains by Wang Wei (January 2013)
Hans Arp (April 2010)
Horace I.21 (July 2016)
Hugo Ball (July 2010)
Hymn to Aphrodite (August 2010)
Hymn to Heracles the Lion-Hearted (June 2012)
Hymn to the Night [Novalis](March 2012)
Hymn to the Night II [Novalis] (July 2012)
Hymn to Pan (May 2014)Kleist's Zoroaster (June 2020)
Leonidas of Tarentum (May 2010)
A Mixed Bag of German Translations (August 2014)
The Orphic Hymn to Hekate (July 2019)
Platonic Love (July 2020)
Praxilla (June 2020)
Rimbaud's "The Lice-Pickers" (March 2014)
"Rot" by Johannes Becher (September 2018)
Seven Poems from Léon-Gontran Damas (February 2017)
Some Anonymous Middle High German Lyrics (August 2011)
Three Horatian Odes (November 2012)
Translations of William IX (September 2010)
Hugo Ball (July 2010)
Hymn to Aphrodite (August 2010)
Hymn to Heracles the Lion-Hearted (June 2012)
Hymn to the Night [Novalis](March 2012)
Hymn to the Night II [Novalis] (July 2012)
Hymn to Pan (May 2014)Kleist's Zoroaster (June 2020)
Leonidas of Tarentum (May 2010)
A Mixed Bag of German Translations (August 2014)
The Orphic Hymn to Hekate (July 2019)
Platonic Love (July 2020)
Praxilla (June 2020)
Rimbaud's "The Lice-Pickers" (March 2014)
"Rot" by Johannes Becher (September 2018)
Seven Poems from Léon-Gontran Damas (February 2017)
Some Anonymous Middle High German Lyrics (August 2011)
Three Horatian Odes (November 2012)
Translations of William IX (September 2010)
Two Poems by Mellin de Saint Gelais (March 2023)
Wordsworth Speaks German (July 2011)
Yet Two More Versions of Wang Wei (June 2011)
7. Poetry
African poems (August 2010)
Domestic Incidents from the Life of the Lama Swine Toil (June 2017)
How to Be a Poet (June 2010)
The Liturgies of the Lama Swine Toil (September 2012)
Mexican poems (September 2010)
Poems from New Mexico (July 2010)
Wordsworth Speaks German (July 2011)
Yet Two More Versions of Wang Wei (June 2011)
7. Poetry
African poems (August 2010)
Domestic Incidents from the Life of the Lama Swine Toil (June 2017)
How to Be a Poet (June 2010)
The Liturgies of the Lama Swine Toil (September 2012)
Mexican poems (September 2010)
Poems from New Mexico (July 2010)
Produce poems (May 2010)
The Soap Opera of the Pair Who Forgot Themselves, but only Temporarily (August 2012)
Some Sonnets (April 2010)
Three Poems from Peru (August 2011)
Two Lyrics on Death from Central America (January 2012)
Two Political Pieces (April 2019)
Words with Images (March 2019)
8. Politics
Black Lives Matter (August 2016)
The Soap Opera of the Pair Who Forgot Themselves, but only Temporarily (August 2012)
Some Sonnets (April 2010)
Three Poems from Peru (August 2011)
Two Lyrics on Death from Central America (January 2012)
Two Political Pieces (April 2019)
Words with Images (March 2019)
8. Politics
Black Lives Matter (August 2016)
The Decline of American Democracy (December 2024)
Economic Democracy (July 2013)
The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Port Huron Statement (June 2012)
Hard Rain Still Fallin’ (September 2010)
How to Get Serious about Fighting Crime (January 2010)
Local Politics (May 2015)
Economic Democracy (July 2013)
The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Port Huron Statement (June 2012)
Hard Rain Still Fallin’ (September 2010)
How to Get Serious about Fighting Crime (January 2010)
Local Politics (May 2015)
Marxism's Limits (February 2023)
In Memory of a Generation's People's Heroes (October 2015)
Nationalism (June 2018)
Occupy Wall Street (November 2011)
Pestilential Times (June 2020)
The Role of Higher Education (November 2010)
The Socialist Martin Luther King (February 2016)
In Memory of a Generation's People's Heroes (October 2015)
Nationalism (June 2018)
Occupy Wall Street (November 2011)
Pestilential Times (June 2020)
The Role of Higher Education (November 2010)
The Socialist Martin Luther King (February 2016)
Socialist Parties of the United States (December 2023)
The Triumph and Tragedy of Revolution (December 2016)
Two Exemplary Anecdotes from the Sixties Student Movement (September 2013)
Utopia (November 2015)
Voluntary Poverty (October 2011)
Why I am a Socialist (March 2010)
9. Memoirs
Baby Boomer Reads the Beats (April 2012)
A Brief Literary Life (September 2012)
Edouardo (July 2018)
A Garland of Greek Professors (December 2010)
A Glimpse of Robert Bly (August 2012)
Grandparents (December 2009)
The Triumph and Tragedy of Revolution (December 2016)
Two Exemplary Anecdotes from the Sixties Student Movement (September 2013)
Utopia (November 2015)
Voluntary Poverty (October 2011)
Why I am a Socialist (March 2010)
9. Memoirs
Baby Boomer Reads the Beats (April 2012)
A Brief Literary Life (September 2012)
Edouardo (July 2018)
A Garland of Greek Professors (December 2010)
A Glimpse of Robert Bly (August 2012)
Grandparents (December 2009)
My Hats (February 2023)
High School (August 2014)
Hip Poets of Seventies San Francisco (January 2011)
How I Came to Work at Scott Foresman (July 2017)
How I Was Hired to Teach in Nigeria (May 2011)
IWW (April 2011)
March in Cicero (December 2009)
A Memorable Roomer (June 2014)
High School (August 2014)
Hip Poets of Seventies San Francisco (January 2011)
How I Came to Work at Scott Foresman (July 2017)
How I Was Hired to Teach in Nigeria (May 2011)
IWW (April 2011)
March in Cicero (December 2009)
A Memorable Roomer (June 2014)
Menus (August 2021)
My Most Politically Active Year (February 2011)
Nova Academy (March 2011)
Pestering Allen [Ginsberg] (March 2012)
Poetry on the Loose (September 2011)
A Scholar's Debut (October 2012)
Sherman Paul (August 2016)
Suburbanite in the City (November 2010)
Tim West (March 2013)
Vignettes of the Sixties (October 2019)
VISTA Trains Me (June 2011)
10. Travel
Arrival in Nigeria (August 2015)
Acadiana [Lafayette, Louisiana] (May 2010)
An Armenian Family in Bordeaux (December 2014)
Carnival [Portugal] (May 2012)
Cookie Man [Morocco] (October 2011)
Creel (October 2010)
Dame Fortuna in Portugal (May 2012)
Dinner with Mrs. Pea [Thailand] (April 2013)
Election Day in Chichicastenango (January 2012)
An Evening in Urubamba (July 2011)
Favored Places (July 2019)
Festival in Ogwa [Nigeria](January 2011)
Fictional Destinations (April 2020)
On the Ganges' Shore (August 2013)
My Most Politically Active Year (February 2011)
Nova Academy (March 2011)
Pestering Allen [Ginsberg] (March 2012)
Poetry on the Loose (September 2011)
A Scholar's Debut (October 2012)
Sherman Paul (August 2016)
Suburbanite in the City (November 2010)
Tim West (March 2013)
Vignettes of the Sixties (October 2019)
VISTA Trains Me (June 2011)
10. Travel
Arrival in Nigeria (August 2015)
Acadiana [Lafayette, Louisiana] (May 2010)
An Armenian Family in Bordeaux (December 2014)
Carnival [Portugal] (May 2012)
Cookie Man [Morocco] (October 2011)
Creel (October 2010)
Dame Fortuna in Portugal (May 2012)
Dinner with Mrs. Pea [Thailand] (April 2013)
Election Day in Chichicastenango (January 2012)
An Evening in Urubamba (July 2011)
Favored Places (July 2019)
Festival in Ogwa [Nigeria](January 2011)
Fictional Destinations (April 2020)
On the Ganges' Shore (August 2013)
A Genial Parking Lot Attendant [Costa Rica] (January 2024)
The Guru of Guinness (July 2016)
Haarlem (July 2010)
Hitchhiking in Algeria (September 2010)
Hitchhiking in France (January 2014)
Hungarian Food (December 2010)
Introduction to Tourist Snapshots (June 2010)
Jemaa el Fna (December 2010)
Knee-deep in History [Vietnam, Cambodia] (February 2014)
Najibe’s Stories (September 2011)
Nigerian Names and Vehicle Slogans (March 2011)
A Palm Wine Shack [Nigeria] (December 2011)
Portraits from a Floating World: Anonymous (October 2016)
Portraits from a Floating World: Najibe and Sandro (February 2010)
Portraits from a Floating World: Gahlia and Jack (June 2010)
Portraits from a Floating World: Leslie Spector and Pa’ahssyzy (August 2010)
The Guru of Guinness (July 2016)
Haarlem (July 2010)
Hitchhiking in Algeria (September 2010)
Hitchhiking in France (January 2014)
Hungarian Food (December 2010)
Introduction to Tourist Snapshots (June 2010)
Jemaa el Fna (December 2010)
Knee-deep in History [Vietnam, Cambodia] (February 2014)
Najibe’s Stories (September 2011)
Nigerian Names and Vehicle Slogans (March 2011)
A Palm Wine Shack [Nigeria] (December 2011)
Portraits from a Floating World: Anonymous (October 2016)
Portraits from a Floating World: Najibe and Sandro (February 2010)
Portraits from a Floating World: Gahlia and Jack (June 2010)
Portraits from a Floating World: Leslie Spector and Pa’ahssyzy (August 2010)
Portraits from a Floating World: A Passage from Africa to Europe (January 2023)
A Problem on the Border [Algeria] (June 2011)
A Reading in Kathmandu (November 2009)
Sacred Space as Sideshow [Prague] (February 2010)
St. Joseph’s Day at the Laguna Pueblo (April 2011)
A Stroll around Lake Bled (May 2013)
Strong Stuff [Marrakech] (October 2012)
Tetouan (November 2010)
The Theory of Souvenirs (April 2012)
Travel Pictures (January 2019)
A Trip to India (January 2016)
Two Parades [India and Peru] (August 2011)
The Valley of Beautiful Women [Eger, Hungary] (March 2010)
Vignettes of Sunny Nigeria (March 2011)
A Waterfall near Marrakech (February 2011)
A Problem on the Border [Algeria] (June 2011)
A Reading in Kathmandu (November 2009)
Sacred Space as Sideshow [Prague] (February 2010)
St. Joseph’s Day at the Laguna Pueblo (April 2011)
A Stroll around Lake Bled (May 2013)
Strong Stuff [Marrakech] (October 2012)
Tetouan (November 2010)
The Theory of Souvenirs (April 2012)
Travel Pictures (January 2019)
A Trip to India (January 2016)
Two Parades [India and Peru] (August 2011)
The Valley of Beautiful Women [Eger, Hungary] (March 2010)
Vignettes of Sunny Nigeria (March 2011)
A Waterfall near Marrakech (February 2011)
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